Hair Loss e-book 2024
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The Hair Loss Fix: 100 pages of everything you need to know about hair loss and hair restoration
Table of Contents
Introduction From Our Head Of Medicine Dr Devrim Demirel
Thank you for taking the time to read our e-book. At IdealofMeD., your Northern European Medical Partner in Turkey, we assist you in all aspects related to your hair loss.
This e-book is meant to give you a thorough understanding of hair loss and what is required for you to successfully restore your hair.
The hair restoration procedure is just one step in the process.
Our mission is to guide you, create a plan to minimize further hair loss and provide a healthy, harmonious environment that leads to a natural result.
Our roots are in performing our exclusive combined DHI and FUE hair transplantation at our hospitals in Istanbul and Izmir, however, we also offer hair restoring products, expert dental treatments, medical checkups, and anti-ageing protocols.
So you might wonder why we work from Turkey?
Besides the fact that most of our team has some kind of connection to Turkey through heritage, marriage or birth – Turkey is the leader in the hair restoration industry.
Over 60% of all hair transplants each year are performed in Turkey.
Turkey has been able to become the leader in the hair restoration industry because of the much lower costs for clinics in Turkey, leading to incomparable prices for hair transplant procedures.
The low costs for clinics do not only result in lower prices but also enable clinics to spend more time on hair grafts and treatments. This in turn leads to improved post-surgery hair results, while still being able to pass on substantial cost savings to you as a patient. This is why Turkey performs over 60% of all hair transplants, with over 500,000 procedures per year!
Traditionally, many Europeans choose to have a hair transplant in Turkey, but in recent years many patients from Canada, the US and Asia have followed.
Please take your time to read our e-book, and do not hesitate to contact me or our team if you have any questions.
The healthier you, your hair and your scalp are at the time of the restoration procedure, the better the long-term results of your hair restoration procedure.
Short summary of Hair Transplantation in Turkey
More information from our website:
- Our Step by Step Hair Transplant Guide on our website, explaining the entire process day-by-day.
- Hair Transplant Results, with before and after pictures and recommendations from 1 up to 12 months after the restoration procedure.
The process from beginning to end may feel lengthy, but the results are worth the wait.
On our website, we explain the entire process leading up to and including the actual hair transplant and immediate aftercare while in Turkey. Here, let’s have a look at what you need to know about what you can expect after your hair transplant.
- Hair transplant side effects – Immediately after your hair transplant and continuing for a few months, you will experience minor side effects such as redness, swelling, numbness and shedding. All of these are temporary and our postoperative products included in each package help you manage these.
- Dormant hair follicles – Your hair will not grow for the first few months while it is in the telogen phase of the hair growth cycle.
- New growth – You will observe new hair growth within 3 or 4 months of your restoration procedure and the growth rate will increase until your hair reaches full maturity after approximately 12 months.
- Continued aftercare for hair growth and strength – Ensuring that adequate aftercare is maintained throughout the process means that your new hair growth is strong and less susceptible to breakage.
We believe in a holistic approach to hair restoration. This includes assisting you in adopting healthy habits and practices before your hair restoration procedure as well as (and more important) afterwards.
This ensures that you get and keep the best result possible.
Interesting Facts About Hair
- An average person has around 100,000 hairs.
- Losing up to 100 hairs each day is considered to be normal.
- On average, the lifespan of a human hair is between 2 to 7 years.
- The hair on our scalp goes through 3 phases; the anagen phase, catagen phase, and telogen phase.
- It is possible to approximate the probabilities of significant balding with age. For example, a 20-year-old has around 20% probability and an 80-year-old around 80% probability of being bald.
How Turkey Hair Transplant Cost Compares to the Rest of the World
Hair transplants have changed people’s lives entirely. They have brought more confidence to both men and women, and allowed them to once again express themselves and feel like their ‘ideal me.’
However, when it comes to choosing where to get your hair transplant done, it can be difficult.
Most people turn to clinics in their own country right away, or they may do a little research for clinics in the UK or US. What you will soon discover is that the prices for hair transplants in the US and in Europe are extraordinarily high. They can easily reach heights of $15,000 per hair transplant, and the person will often need to undergo a second surgery one year later to complete the procedure.
This is largely due to the fact that the GDP in these countries is very high, and thus everything that you do or purchase in these countries will also be very expensive.
However, just because something is expensive does not mean that it will automatically be of the highest quality.
Turkey Has Become the Top Destination for Hair Transplants
A Turkey hair transplant cost includes the full package. You don’t just pay for the hair transplant, you pay for the whole experience including a beautiful hotel stay, a tour of the city, a medical checkup, a post-op bundle of vitamins and serums to help you recover faster, an extra day for recovery, and even a dentist appointment if you choose to have one.
The best clinics in Turkey have made this a wonderful experience where you have a support team of 4 or 8 surgeons plus their assistants to help you on your new journey to beautiful hair. Plus, you can have both the DHI and FUE Sapphire procedures done on the same day. This is specifically because Turkish clinics are able to offer you a full team of experienced surgeons to do the job.
In Europe and the US, you would have one procedure done, for example, DHI, and then wait a whole year before you can have the FUE method done to complete the look. This means that you don’t have to walk around for a full year with hair that doesn’t really look right.
About Hair And Hair Loss
Each hair shaft is made up of three layers of a hard protein called keratin.
Interestingly, hair itself is not a living structure. The hair that you see on your head is mostly considered ‘dead’ because it is made of a dead protein.
The three layers of each hair are called the medulla (the inner layer), the cortex (the second layer), and the cuticle (the outer layer). The cortex is the thickest layer, which means that it makes up the majority of a hair shaft.
The cuticle is a tight structure that is made up of shingle-like overlapping scales. The cortex and the medulla are what give the hair colour because they are the ones that hold the hair pigment.
The 3 Phases Of Human Hair Lifespan
Every day, your hair grows about .3 to .4 millimetres, or about 6 inches every year.
Interestingly, our human hair growth and loss are largely random, unlike the case with other land mammals around the world who lose their hair on a seasonal basis.
At any time, each hair on our head is in the process of one of three cycles which determine how young the hair is and when it will fall out. The three phases of growth are as follows:
The Anagen Stage
This is the first phase of hair growth. It is known as the active phase since the cells in the root of the hair divide rapidly. Slowly, a new hair is formed that pushes the old hair above it until it eventually falls out and the new hair comes through the root.
During this phase, the hair will likely grow 1 centimetre every 28 days. This phase can last between two and six years.
Some people will notice that they have a difficult time growing their hair long. This usually means that they have a short active phase of hair growth, which is usually due to genetics although it can sometimes also be due to hormones and overall lifestyle.
Compared to the hair on your head, the hair on the rest of your body usually has a very short active phase of growth, which is usually between 30 and 45 days.
The Catagen Stage
This is a transitional phase of hair growth that accounts for about 3% of all hair on your head. This is a shorter phase that lasts between two and three weeks.
During this phase, their hair will stop growing, which means that the root of the hair will shrink. This is the formation of what is known as a club hair and is the process after which the hair will slowly stop growing and switch to the next phase where it will fall out.
The Telogen Stage
This is the resting phase of a hair lifespan and it accounts for about 8% of all hair on your head. This phase lasts for about 100 days on hairs on your head and much longer for hairs on your body such as eyebrows.
During this phase, the hair follicle will be completely at rest and will result in the club hair being completely formed. If you were to pull out a hair at this stage, you would notice a solid, white material at the root of the hair. It is normal to lose up to 100 hairs per day.
Hair Loss and the 7 Patterns of Hair Loss
The Hamilton–Norwood scale is used to classify the stages of the male baldness patterns. The stages are listed from 1 to 7. This measurement scale was first introduced by James Hamilton in the 1950s and later revised and updated by O’Tar Norwood in the 1970s. It is sometimes referred to as the Norwood–Hamilton Scale, or simply the Norwood Scale.
As mentioned, the Hamilton–Norwood scale is used to classify the stages of male pattern baldness.
Let’s go through all 7 types of balding patterns.
Hair Loss TYPE 1 – Minimal Recession
There is minimal or no recession of the hairline.
Hair Loss TYPE 2 – Triangular
There are triangular, usually symmetrical, areas of recession at the frontotemporal hairline.
Hair Loss TYPE 3 – Vertex
This represents the minimal extent of hair loss sufficient to be considered baldness, according to Norwood. There are deep symmetrical recessions at the temples that are bare or only sparsely covered by hair. In Type 3 Vertex, the hair loss is primarily from the vertex with a limited recession of the frontotemporal hairline that does not exceed the degree of recession seen in Type 3.
Hair Loss TYPE 4 – Frontotemporal
The frontotemporal recession is more severe than in type 3 and there is sparse hair or no hair on the vertex. The two areas of hair loss are separated by a band of moderately dense hair that extends across the top. This band connects with the fully haired fringe on the sides of the scalp.
Hair Loss TYPE 5 – Vertex and Frontotemporal Larger
The vertex hair loss region is still separated from the frontotemporal region but it is less distinct. The band of hair across the crown is narrower and sparser and the vertex and frontotemporal regions of hair loss are bigger.
Hair Loss TYPE 6 – Bridge
The bridge of hair that crosses the crown is gone with only sparse hair remaining. The frontotemporal and vertex regions are joined together and the extent of hair loss is greater.
Hair Loss TYPE 7 – Most Severe
The most severe form of hair loss with only a narrow band of hair in a horseshoe shape remaining on the sides and back of the scalp. This hair is usually not dense and can be quite fine.
The Norwood – Type-A Variant
Norwood defined a Type-A variant from his standard classification system as well, which is distinguished by two major features and two minor features.
The major features are:
1) The anterior border of the hairline progresses to the rear without leaving an island of hair in the mid-frontal region and;
2) There is no simultaneous development of a bald area on the vertex. Instead, the frontal hairline recession keeps progressing to the rear of the scalp.
The minor features are:
1) There is a persistent sparse hair scattering in the area of hair loss and;
2) The horseshoe-shaped fringe areas of hair that remain on the side and back of the scalp tend to be wider and reach higher on the head compared to Norwood’s standard.
The various Type-A variants described by Norwood are as follows:
Type 2A: The hairline is anterior to the coronal plane and 2 cm anterior to the external auditory meatus.
Type 3A: The hairline has receded back to a point between the limit of Type 2A and the level of the external auditory meatus.
Type 4A: The hairline has receded beyond the external auditory meatus but has not reached the vertex.
Type 5A: The area of denudation includes the vertex. Hair loss more severe than Type 5A cannot be distinguished from Types 6 or 7.
The Norwood classification is one of the most detailed classification systems for male pattern hair loss and is the most widely used classification worldwide.
Causes of Hair Loss
A number of reasons for hair loss have been established by the global medical community:
a) Genetic Factors for Hair Loss
The primary baldness gene sits on the X chromosome, which is passed to men through their mothers. However, there are a number of other factors in play, too. Although hereditary hair loss is slightly more dominant on the mother’s side, scientists have also found that men with bald fathers are more likely to experience thinning hair.
Genetic hair loss baffles scientists to this day. Amazingly, researchers have found that more than 280 genes influence hair thinning. Hopefully, in the near future, we’ll have established the means to identify genetic signals and predict who is more vulnerable to hair loss. This way, you’ll be able to take preventative measures early on to preserve and nourish your hair.
Hair loss science is complex and ever-changing, but scientists have made some breakthroughs in recent years. Here’s what we know so far:
In 2005, German scientists released a memorable study noting that hair thinning can be traced to having more androgen receptors in the scalp. The gene for androgen lies in the X chromosome, which comes from our mothers.
In 2008, one of the same scientists from 2005 conducted a collaborative follow-up study and found that genetic variants on “chromosome 20” increase the risk of male hair thinning. This supported the theory that DNA from both our mother and father can affect baldness.
In 2013, scientists studied over 3000 Korean individuals and found that environmental factors, such as smoking and drinking, can also contribute to hair thinning. However, genetic factors seem to be far more influential than environmental ones.
Males who are prone to hair thinning are likely to have smaller hair follicles on their scalp, and each follicle produces less hair than average. Over time, these follicles thin and eventually die.
Hair thinning has also been found to be caused by the sex steroid hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which exists in both men and women. While women have far less DHT in their systems, the conversion of testosterone to DHT, which leads to damaged hair follicles, affects both genders.
Telogen Effluvium is another form of less permanent hair loss that occurs in both men and women. It’s triggered by a shift in hormones, the environment or as a side effect of some types of medication.
b) Scalp Conditions that Cause Hair Loss
In addition to infections, eczema and other scalp diseases, one significant contributor to scalp related hair loss is oily and dry scalp conditions such as:
i) Oily Scalp Causes and Care
Hair roots come with sebaceous glands which secrete an oily substance called sebum. This sebum actually benefits the hair but excessive sebum production is the cause for oily hair.
An oily scalp is caused by overactive sebaceous glands on the scalp. The oil attracts dirt more easily, produces dandruff, and makes hair stick together. In the worst cases, the sebum glands clog the hair roots and may cause excessive hair loss and dandruff.
Causes of excess sebum secretion include genes, hormonal imbalances, humidity, diet, etc. Hormonal imbalances found during pregnancy, menopause or puberty can also trigger an oily scalp. Some internal diseases can cause increased sebum secretion too.
The body regularly sheds dead skin cells as new cells are formed, which is a gradual and natural process. If this process speeds up, it produces excessive amounts of dead skin cells causing dandruff. In cases of poor hygiene and neglect, Seborrheic Dermatitis or Scalp Eczema is formed.
Continued neglect can slowly lead to infection, causing the rough patches to become red, itchy and painful. Severe cases of patching on the scalp can then result in a certain degree of peeling and hair loss. Sometimes, a fungal infection makes the condition worse.
Hair regrows when the infected and inflamed scalp areas are treated properly.
We often observe large numbers of neglected cases of an oily scalp with infected Seborrheic Dermatitis resulting in hair loss. Sadly, before medical treatment, many people try old techniques (oil massage, Castor oil, E-cap) which makes the situation worse and delays healing and treatment.
ii) Dry Scalp Causes and Care
One of the main causes of a dry scalp may be an allergic reaction to a product you are using – it may just be too harsh for your scalp! Sulfate-free and organic shampoos are a lot gentler and contain fewer additives that your scalp may react to. They are also milder and will not strip your hair of existing oils.
When it comes to the condition of your hair, its texture and thickness, the condition of the scalp is key. Those of us with thinning hair can improve the thickness and amount of existing hair growth by making sure our scalp isn’t dry. There doesn’t seem to be a huge amount of evidence that having a dry scalp actually causes hair loss but according to experts and trichologists, there is evidence that it can disrupt hair growth.
It appears that a dry scalp may prevent some new hair growth by blocking individual hair follicles. This further causes clogging of the hair follicle with scalp sebum build-up, leading to limited hair growth. In practical terms, the new hair struggles to push past this plug on the surface of the scalp.
It makes total sense that a soft and moisturized scalp will provide the best environment for new hair growth. We are losing and replacing hair all the time, so the hair we have left needs to be growing to its maximum capacity. This way, it will remain thick and healthy instead of thinning in the areas where no male baldness pattern may be occurring.
c) Trauma As A Cause of Hair Loss
When your body is under serious physical stress, the natural cycle of hair growth and resting can be disrupted. This results in hair loss, often in the form of thinning hair or strands may even come out in clumps. Any trauma to the system, such as being in a severe accident, undergoing surgery, experiencing burns or becoming very ill, can also shock the hair follicles. The result can be up to 75% of your hair falling out, sometimes months after the fact.
e) Diet and Hair Loss Effects
The essential vitamins, nutrients and protein that you get from a healthy and well-balanced diet ensure good health throughout your body. They ensure all your organs and internal systems are working just as they should. Poor nutrition and severely restrictive fad or crash diets can lead to all kinds of nutrient deficiencies, which in turn can result in hair loss, from thinning hair to bald patches. Evidence and trials suggest that intake of Biotin, Zinc, Selenium and Cod Liver Oil, for example, can significantly promote hair growth and reduce hair loss.
f) The Importance of Hair Care
Sometimes you can cause significant damage, in an effort to style your hair which can result in hair loss and thinning hair. Shampooing or blow-drying too frequently and repeatedly using heated styling tools are good examples. Pulling on your hair, whether for blow-drying or styling a too-tight ponytail, or vigorously rubbing the scalp can all lead to hair loss.
g) How Infections Affect Hair Loss
A number of infections and illnesses can lead to hair loss. Any infection that causes a high fever, such as fungal skin infections or bacterial infections like syphilis, can all be held responsible for balding or thinning hair. Treating the underlying infection can restore hair growth and prevent future hair loss.
h) Thyroid Gland Problems and Hair Loss
Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can result in hair loss due to hormonal imbalances. Hormones help to regulate nearly every function in the body, including hair growth. Getting the right treatment to control either of these thyroid conditions will ensure hormones are under control, preventing any hair loss and allowing your hair to start growing back.
i) Medications that Cause Hair Loss
Hair loss can also be a side effect of a number of medications taken for common health problems. Blood-thinning medications, oral contraceptives, drugs for depression, NSAIDs, beta and calcium channel blockers can all lead to thinning of the hair or baldness. Too much vitamin A and vitamin A-based drugs called retinoids can cause hair loss as well. Some chemotherapy drugs used to treat cancer are known to cause total hair loss as they work to destroy cancer cells. Just as hair usually grows back after chemotherapy, it should also grow back once you stop taking any medication that causes hair loss.
j) Alopecia and Its Effect on Hair
Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss and there are two main types: alopecia areata and androgenetic alopecia. Alopecia may cause hair loss only on the scalp or it can occur all over the body. It may result in thinning hair, patches of hair loss, some balding, or total baldness, and it may be permanent or temporary. There are numerous causes including genetics, so always talk to your doctor about possible treatments.
p) Autoimmune Diseases that Cause Hair Loss
Alopecia areata is often associated with autoimmune diseases. It is thought that some forms of hair loss can be caused by one of these medical conditions or is at least related to it in some way. Diabetes and lupus, in particular, are two autoimmune diseases that can result in hair loss. This type of hair loss may not always be reversible and may sometimes be permanent. In this situation, medications and hair restoration surgeries may help compensate for any hair loss.
q) Age Factors and Hair Loss
For both men and women, age is a normal factor for hair loss. Most people will notice some hair loss or thinning as they grow older. They will notice that their hair becomes more brittle and less able to handle hair products and commercial hair treatments that did not seem to be a problem before.
Hair will also begin to lose its colour. Not only in the sense that there will be grey hair appearing but also in the sense that the natural hair colour will dim and will not be as shiny as it once was.
If it is noticed early enough, there are several possibilities for some regrowth, which include hair products and vitamins that are specially designed to treat weak hair and weak hair follicles.
Important to note here is that until the age of 23, hair restoration is generally not advised. We can tell you more about this in a free consultation.
r) Cancer Treatment and Hair Loss
Chemotherapy and radiation treatment will often cause hair loss within the first couple of weeks when the treatment starts. However, this doesn’t mean that the hair is lost forever.
A few months after the cancer treatment is complete, the hair will start to grow back. Some people report that their hair didn’t grow back with the same strength as before, and this is because of the effect that chemotherapy has on the immune system. However, with the right vitamins and hair products, you can help your hair to grow back after cancer treatment.
Some people note that wearing a cooling cap before, during, and after each chemotherapy session helped them to prevent some hair loss during this time.
s) Childbirth or Other Stressors that Cause Hair Loss
Serious stressors on the body can often be the cause of hair loss. The stressors most often come from childbirth, recovering from an illness, or after a strong psychological stress factor has been suffered.
In order to stop the hair from falling too often during a stressed period in your life, the body must be released from the cause of stress. In this case, vitamins and hair products cannot work as well until the body is still under the influence of stress. Normally, the hair will return to its natural state after about 6 months.
t) A Hairstyle that Pulls on Your Scalp and Hair Loss
Certain hairstyles can be very damaging to your hair. If you often wear your hair too tight, you are pulling on your hair follicles and causing them to fall out sooner than they normally would. In some cases, it can lead to permanent hair loss and a medical condition called alopecia.
You can prevent this from happening by loosening the way that you wear your hair. However, if some hair follicles have been damaged beyond repair, they will not grow back on their own.
u) Hormonal Imbalance and Hair Loss
Hormonal imbalance can be present in both men and women. For women, the most common cause of hormonal imbalance is something known as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This leads to cysts in women’s ovaries, which are often the cause of hair loss.
Treatment for PCOS can help to solve this problem, and many women have discovered that their hair will grow back once PCOS is gone.
v) Scalp Infection and Hair Loss
Sometimes, people can develop a scalp infection which can lead to really inflamed areas on your scalp. They will often look like black or dark red dots on your scalp. This can often lead to a bald patch where hair will quickly fall off because of the infection.
Hair regrowth is possible if the infection is treated as soon as possible. Once the scalp infection is completely healed, hair will usually continue to regrow once more.
w) Scalp Psoriasis and Hair Loss
Psoriasis is a difficult skin condition which causes inflammation. Often, it can also lead to psoriasis developing on your scalp. This is often a cause of hair loss and will develop into a bald patch on your head.
There are creams and medications that your doctor can prescribe you to help with psoriasis. Once the illness is gone, the hair will continue to grow in its natural way. However, with some good hair vitamins and products, you can help your hair be strong and healthy again.
x) Pulling Your Hair Can Cause Hair Loss
Some people have a habit of pulling on their hair when they feel stressed or playing around with it by twisting it around their fingers. This is a bad habit because it weakens the hair follicles and may be the cause of an illness known as trichotillomania.
If this condition has not lasted for a long time, and if the hair follicles have not been entirely destroyed, the hair can still grow back on its own.
y) Too Little Zinc, Iron, Protein, or Biotin and Hair Loss
Vitamins and minerals are crucial for hair growth and for every stage of hair development. There is no single vitamin or mineral that will solve the problem, but rather a collection of minerals together that work to strengthen hair in all stages of its development.
The best way to solve this problem is to make sure that you have enough of these vitamins and minerals in your daily diet. Sometimes, this is not possible with food alone. This is why we offer excellent hair vitamins that have everything your hair needs to be strong and beautiful.
What Can I Do to Reduce Hair Loss?
There are plenty of non-surgical treatments to explore before you choose to decide on a hair restoration procedure. In addition, any hair transplant doctor should advise you to combine some or all of these treatments with your hair restoration procedure.
- Medical Treatments
- Laser Therapy
- PRP – Plasma Rich Platelets
- Mesotherapy
- Improving your Scalp Condition
- Healthy Diet
- Supplements
Medical Treatments:
i) Finasteride/Dutasteride
The main difference between Dutasteride and Finasteride is the intensity of the effect.
Finasteride 1mg blocks about 70% of DHT, whereas dutasteride 0.5mg blocks more than 90%. This means that dutasteride is more effective at stopping the conversion of testosterone into DHT. Since DHT is what causes hair loss, this results in more hair regrowth and thickening of existing miniaturized hairs compared to finasteride.
As with finasteride, patients taking dutasteride should be on the medication for one year or longer before its effects in preventing hair loss and re-growing hair can be accurately assessed.
During the first six months on dutasteride, you may note some thinning of existing hair. This may be due to either progression of your hair loss before dutasteride has had a chance to work, or some shedding of miniaturized hair that makes way for the new healthy hair to grow.
It is important to be patient during this period. You should continue the medication for at least one year before you and your doctor can assess the
benefits. It should be noted that there can be an overall result of reduced quality of life, due to several side effects associated with taking Avodart (Dutasteride).
Side Effects
- Increased risk for diabetes
- Elevated cholesterol levels
- Increased risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
- Worsening erectile dysfunction
Treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) with the commonly prescribed Avodart (Dutasteride) may put men at an increased risk for diabetes, elevated cholesterol levels, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and worsening erectile dysfunction.
Physicians should be fully aware of these new findings according and discuss the potential adverse side effects of Avodart on metabolic and sexual function with their patients before prescribing it. The study appears in the journal Hormones Molecular Biology and Clinical Investigations.
As men age, their prostate enlarges. This condition often results in urinary retention or other lower urinary tract symptoms, such as reduced urinary flow which results in waking up several times at night to urinate. To help improve symptoms, men are often prescribed an alpha-blocker, such as Tamsulosin (Flomax) which relaxes the prostate muscle and improves urination. Other drugs such as Proscar (Finasteride) or Avodart (Dutasteride) work by reducing prostate volume and improving urinary function.
“We believe our findings suggest that Avodart has a negative impact on men’s overall health since it increases blood sugar and A1C and also increases blood lipids. The increase in blood glucose and A1C may predispose men to diabetes and the increase in lipids may predispose them to NAFLD. Most importantly, this agent worsens sexual function and reduces the quality of life” explained corresponding author Abdulmaged M. Traish, MBA, PhD, professor of biochemistry and urology at Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM).
ii) Minoxidil
Minoxidil is a vasodilating drug which opens up blood vessels. While the exact mechanism of action for minoxidil (the active ingredient) isn’t actually clear, it’s believed to work by partially enlarging hair follicles and elongating the growth phase of hair. With more follicles in the growth phase, you’ll see more hair coverage on your scalp.
Minoxidil does work to some extent as evidenced by clinical studies, but only for certain types of baldness, and only if you keep up with its application. However, it won’t work for everyone. If it does work, you probably won’t grow back all of the hair you’ve lost, and it can take up to 12 months to see any results. You’ll have to use Minoxidil indefinitely to maintain any regrowth.
Side effects
- Severe scalp irritation
- Unwanted growth of facial hair
- Chest pain
- Fast heartbeat
- Swelling in hands or feet
- Rapid weight gain
- Dizziness
- Confusion
- Flushing – warmth, redness, or tingly feeling
Laser Therapy
The hair growth cycle consists of three phases: growth (anagen phase), resting (telogen phase) and shedding (catagen phase). Hair loss in androgenetic alopecia depends on a testosterone derivative in the skin, dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
Low-level laser therapy is believed to increase blood flow in the scalp and stimulate metabolism in catagen or telogen follicles, resulting in the production of anagen hair. In theory:
- The photons of light act on cytochrome C oxidase leading to the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This is converted to cyclic AMP in the hair follicle cells, releasing energy and stimulating metabolic processes necessary for hair growth.
- The release of nitric oxide from cells leads to increased vascularisation of the scalp distributing nutrients and oxygen to the hair roots.
- Excessive build-up of DHT is prevented.
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
Platelets are a component of blood, along with red and white blood cells. When a person sustains a cut or wound, the platelets are some of the “first responders” that arrive to stop the bleeding and promote healing.
Researchers theorized that if they could extract concentrated platelets and inject them into damaged areas of the body, they could accelerate healing.
To produce PRP, a medical professional will take a blood sample and put it into a machine called a centrifuge. This machine spins at a rapid rate, which separates the components of the blood. The medical professional then extracts the platelets for injection.
PRP contains a range of growth factors and proteins that speed tissue repair. As some types of hair loss result from damage to hair follicles, researchers initially hypothesized that PRP could help regrow hair by reversing the process that occurs in androgenetic alopecia. PRP has become a popular method of restoring hair growth. Doctors have also used PRP to treat injuries to the tendons, muscles and ligaments, such as those that people sustain during sporting activities.
PRP is injected directly into your scalp to optimize nutrition intake and stimulate blood circulation, maximizing tissue repair and rejuvenation.
Mesotherapy is an alternative treatment that is used to treat both male and female pattern baldness. It regulates the growth factors, proteins and vitamins in the scalp, and can promote a significant reduction of hair loss and lead to increased hair density and hair diameter. This therapy is undoubtedly a quick way to restore lost hair by restoring the hormonal balance and subduing the effects of DHT hormones.
Mesotherapy involves the use of essential nutrients injected into the mesoderm of the scalp. The physician gives the injection to the patient only after diagnosing the cause of the hair loss. Using a 30 number gauge thin needle or a computerized mesotherapy mesogun, vitamins and minerals are injected into the mesoderm at every 1 cm of the thinning area on the scalp. The treatment maximizes the absorption of nutrients by the hair follicles. This absorption activates the dormant or semi-dormant hair follicles to trigger more growth. It ensures the scalp receives a proper amount of amino acids which is crucial for hair health and boosts keratin production. For this reason, it is considered an effective treatment for almost all scalp and hair related issues.
Scalp Condition
Scalp hygiene and care is very important; shampoo more frequently and always use cool water. Choose shampoos produced specifically for oily scalps and dandruff, although these are only temporary solutions. There are also scalp treatments available, depending on the cause. Usually, at least 3 or 4 treatment sessions are required to completely cure the scalp condition. Treatment of oily scalp with pH balancing also delivers longer-lasting results.
If your scalp is dry it needs to be moisturized and if your scalp is oily, then focus on measures to reduce grease and oil in the scalp. Hair washing habits need to be determined based on your scalp condition.
Eat a balanced diet of healthy fats and carbohydrates. Oral supplements of vitamins and minerals can be helpful. Treat your scalp and hair once a month for oil control, pH balancing and removal of any build-ups. Use shampoos and serums that are developed for hair loss patients, the following are examples of items that can help: the Ideal Hair Restoring Shampoo and the Ideal Collagenic Scalp Serum
Always ensure that your diet is not lacking basic nutrients. When it comes to maintaining healthy hair, this means making sure you’re eating enough protein, iron, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B.
Sometimes called vitamin H, this is a B-complex vitamin that strengthens protein structure in your skin, hair and nails. You probably know it as the supplement people take to grow their hair faster and that’s exactly what it does. It helps hair grow stronger, though you’ll first notice the increased frequency with which you’re clipping your nails. As a solution to hair loss on its own, well… it isn’t one.
However, if you are taking the aforementioned hair loss prescriptions (like finasteride and minoxidil), then it will help expedite and fortify your hair regrowth. Similarly, it will strengthen the remaining hairs you have on your scalp. So in this way, it could slow hair fall on the follicles that are withering away.
Vitamins A and C, Zinc and Selenium
While Vitamins A and C both help the scalp to produce healthy amounts of sebum—which keeps hair healthy, nourished and lustrous—they have individual benefits as well. Vitamin A helps reduce breakage, while Vitamin C improves iron absorption and collagen production, both of which assist in the formation of strong hair.
The minerals zinc and selenium can be especially beneficial. Zinc improves oil production (in a good way, to produce the necessary amounts of sebum), and is one of the best means of slowing hair loss. Selenium prevents and combats dandruff and dry, itchy scalps, which can hinder hair growth. Find supplements that combine any and all of these vitamins and minerals for proactive defence against hair loss.
A product that combines numerous vitamins, minerals and essentials, and which is recommended in this context is the mouth soluble Ideal Hair Vitamins, which will ensure a healthy supplement intake on a daily basis. The mouth soluble feature will also enhance nutrition intake as it enters the bloodstream more efficiently.
Keratin is a type of structural protein that is found in your hair, skin, and nails. It’s very important for the structure of your skin, it supports wound healing, and keeps your nails and hair strong and healthy.
Often, Keratin supplements are used to help prevent hair loss and improve nail texture and skin texture. However, keratin is even better used by the body if you are eating the right food to activate it.
The following are the top 10 foods that will naturally support your body’s synthesis of keratin:
- Eggs
- Onions
- Salmon
- Sweet potatoes
- Sunflower seeds
- Mangoes
- Garlic
- Kale
- Beef liver
- Carrots
Hair Transplant Methods and Post-Surgery Treatment
Our 4-person surgical team, instead of 2, allows us to do double the grafts or more compared to a traditional clinic, allowing us to perform our own IdealofMeD. combination surgery, combining FUE Sapphire with DHI for a natural look. We treat your entire scalp so that you have the same density of hair in all places.
We are one of the few hair transplant clinics in Turkey to use the Sapphire FUE method, which uses a specific one-time use tool leaving no visible scarring.
In addition, IdealofMedD. offers a hyperbaric chamber treatment, speeding up the healing process by up to 70%.
The IdealofMeD. Combination Surgery
With the FUE Sapphire Method being the best for completely bald areas and the DHI Method the best for thin areas, we can address both at once if needed combining both procedures in a single treatment.
If possible, we always aim to help you long term, avoiding short term solutions requiring you to come back for additional surgeries. Our treatment plan is often an Ideal Combination surgery, giving you the best of both worlds.
FUE Sapphire Method And Use Cases Explained
The FUE Sapphire Method is ideal for and conducted on completely bald patients or those suffering from severe baldness.
Not to be confused with the standard FUE Method, the less-invasive FUE Sapphire Method makes use of sapphire blades as opposed to scalpels, resulting in reduced discomfort, a shortened healing process and no visible scarring. It is for this reason, IdealofMeD. does not use the standard FUE Method at all.
The micro-incision part of an FUE Sapphire surgery is one of the most important stages of this type of hair restoration and it demands significant skill, expertise and experience.
The angle in which the micro incisions are done, and the density planned, will determine the success of the entire hair restoration. The micro incisions can take up to 1 hour to plan and execute. Every single incision done by the medical team is accounted for and noted in the surgical report.
DHI Method And Use Cases Explained
The DHI method is the best method to increase density for patients who lack hair density. The method is similar to the FUE Sapphire Method when it comes to follicular unit extraction from the donor area.
Where it differs, is when it comes to the insertion of the follicular units.
The follicle units are not inserted into micro incisions created with a sapphire blade.
Instead, the follicle units are inserted into a so-called Ideal Choi Implanter, which is then used to insert the follicle units between existing hair units, without damaging the surrounding area with micro incisions.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber and Oxygen Therapy
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy enhances the body’s natural healing process, speeding up recovery, by increasing the body’s oxygen absorption and blood oxygen levels. This post-surgery therapy is included in our IdealofMeD. Executive Surgery and IdealofMeD. Female Surgery options.
Our Recommendations Before / After
The fully-recyclable Ideal Hair Vitalisation Box will simplify and optimize your hair care regime, combining items that will assist you in reducing your hair loss and significantly enhancing your hair restoration process.
It can be used by all hair and scalp types and will also prepare you for a potential hair transplantation procedure. For exact usage instructions based on your scalp type, please request a free of charge hair consultation from a specialist at IdealofMeD, which will assist you in your hair restoration process.
1. Dermaroller
We know scalp massage feels good, but can it help grow your hair? Maybe it can.
Studies show that participants are seeing results with as little as five minutes of scalp massage a day over the course of 24 weeks. For this purpose, IdealofMeD includes a 1,0 mm Ideal Dermaroller with 540 titanium nails in its Ideal Hair Restoration Box that can be used all around your scalp for around 3-4 minutes every third day before bed if not otherwise suggested by your IdealofMeD specialist. The DermaRoller will increase your blood circulation in the scalp and can reduce hair loss.
The IDEAL DERMAROLLER can also be used prior to applying the IDEAL HAIR RESTORATION SERUM and the Ideal Collagenic Scalp Serum which are both included in the IDEAL HAIR RESTORATION BOX.
IdealofMeD has in its Ideal Hair Restoration Box also included an Ideal Dermaroller Disinfectant, which should be used to disinfect your personal DermaRoller after each use.
2. Regular Washing
Historically, frequent hair wash was viewed as a cause of hair loss, this view is unfortunately not correct. On the contrary, frequent washing your hair is essential to reduce hair loss for a majority of hair loss patients. Often daily hair wash with room temperature water is recommended. The only exception to such a rule is for hair loss patients with significant dry scalp, where around 3 days a week of hair wash is ideal.
Washing hair daily may protect against hair loss by keeping the scalp healthy, clean and clear of oil and sebum. The key is to use a mild shampoo. Harsher formulas may dry hair and cause irritation or dryness and lead to further hair loss. THE IDEAL HAIR RESTORATION BOX includes the Ideal Hair Restoring Shampoo, which can be used daily. It has approximately 50 active ingredients such as Saw Palmetto, Zinc, Propocil, Aloe Vera and Panthenol which all work in tandem to stabilize and nurture your scalp and hair.
The formula is developed in the IdealofMeD laboratories and is in particular suitable for patients who suffer hair loss or aim to prepare their scalp for a potential hair restoration procedure.
In addition to only using room temperature water to wash your hair, we also encourage patients to utilize a multi-stage Portable Shower Filter for hair washing purposes. This reduces the probability of your skin and scalp absorbing harmful substances from your shower water. The shower filter should be attached to your shower and would be replaced every 3-6 months, to keep the filter active and clean.
A shower filter can protect your scalp and skin from among other things chlorine, heavy metals, iron, sediments, fungi, scale, mould and bacteria which can be harmful to your hair, skin and general health.
3. Gentle Styling & Hair Processing
Skip tight braids and ponytails that may pull on hair at the root and potentially lead to excessive shedding. Also try to avoid too long hair, which can put a strain on follicles. Wash the hair in room temperature water with a multi-stage shower filter and let your hair air dry naturally to avoid irritating your scalp. Heat stylers, like curling or straightening irons, may also damage or break the hair shaft. Avoid using a hairdryer at all times.
Chemical treatments, like perms or hair colour, may also damage your hair and scalp. Also strictly avoid conditioner if you have an oily scalp. Dry scalp patients can wash their hair less frequently and can also use the below-suggested scalp and hair serums that will enhance your hair and scalp health.
4. Hair Serums and Mesotherapy
To apply nutritions directly into the mesoderm area of the scalp can be a more efficient way to absorb vitamins and minerals than taking pills. The IDEAL HAIR RESTORATION BOX includes two types of serums.
The Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) blocking the Ideal Collagenic Scalp Serum, contains active ingredients such as Saw Palmetto, Apigenin, Collagen and Hyaluronic acid. The serum will provide intensive care to support a healthy scalp, whilst reducing hair loss by repairing the Keratin structure of your hair. The serum should be applied twice a week, before bed, following your DermaRoller session. It should be gently applied to the scalp using fingertips and the serum can stay overnight and be rinsed away in the morning if otherwise has not been suggested by your IdealofMeD specialist.
The Ideal Hair Restoration Serum 10 ml is an additional serum that in particular aims to increase the thickness and diameter of each hair through its uniquely developed formula.
The serum contains a combination of numerous substances such as Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Hydrolyzed Keratin, Wheat Protein, Hamamelis Virginiana Leaf Extract, Rosemary Leaf Oil, Equisetum Arvense Leaf Extract, Biotin, Vitamin B1-B3 and Vitamin B5-B6, Eucalyptus Dives Leaf Oil and L-Arginine.
The IDEAL HAIR RESTORATION BOX contains three bottles of the Ideal Hair Restoration Serum (10 ml each). The content of each bottle should be split into three, and be used three times per week for three weeks in total. So one bottle per week effectively. The treatment should be repeated every third month for improved results. The serum should be massaged into the scalp following DermaRoller sessions in the evening. During the three week use of the Ideal Hair Restoration Serum (10 ml) the Ideal Collagenic Scalp Serum can be discontinued temporarily. The serum can stay overnight and be rinsed away in the morning if otherwise has not been suggested by your IdealofMeD Specialist.
5. Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals and other essentials
Hair follicles are made mostly of a protein called keratin. One 2017 study of 100 people with hair loss noted several nutritional deficiencies in participants, including amino acids that serve as the building blocks of protein. As such, eating a diet rich in protein may help prevent hair loss. Healthy choices include foods like eggs, nuts, beans and peas, fish, low-fat dairy products, chicken and turkey.
Vitamin A is composed in part of retinoids and has been shown to increase the rate of hair growth. This vitamin will also help to keep your scalp healthier and able to retain more hair. Fill your plate with foods rich in vitamin A, such as sweet potatoes, sweet peppers and spinach, just to name a few.
Scientists have determined that vitamins A, B, C, D, Iron, Selenium and Zinc are all important to the hair growth and retention processes, specifically cell turnover. You can find daily multivitamins at most grocery stores and drugstores or ask your doctor to prescribe one for you. Vitamin D is also associated with nonscarring alopecia. Treating any deficiency may help with hair regrowth.
Biotin — vitamin H or B7— is another important vitamin involved in fatty acid synthesis in the body. This process is essential to the hair lifecycle and you may experience hair loss if you have a deficiency.
Ginseng contains certain phytochemicals that may promote hair growth on the scalp. Further study is needed to recommend specific dosages. In the meantime, speak with your IdealofMeD. specialist about taking ginseng supplements or consider trying topical solutions that contain this ingredient.
To capture hair essentials, the IDEAL HAIR RESTORATION BOX includes the Ideal Hair Vitamins, which combine various vitamins, minerals and nutrients to assist you in restoring a healthy hair promoting environment. Among other substances, the product includes Biotin, Ginseng, Vitamin C, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Horsetail extract, Zinc and Iodine. The products should be taken twice a day for optimal results.
The herb Saw Palmetto,which is also an ingredient of the Ideal Collagenic Scalp Serum, derived from the fruit of American dwarf pine trees, may help men maintain their levels of testosterone as well as their hair. One 2004 journal article revealed that a large majority of participants taking Saw palmetto experienced improved hair growth.
According to a 2018 review of studies, researchers believe that modest doses of coconut oil may help prevent hair damage from grooming and ultraviolet (UV) light exposure.
Lauric acid found in coconut oil helps bind protein and protect hair from a breakage at the root and strand. Massaging coconut oil into the scalp may also promote better blood flow and help with regrowth. Use a very modest dosage and a maximum of one time each week. Not recommended for patients with an oily scalp.
Essential oils may help reduce hair loss. A 1998 study divided 86 people with alopecia areata into two groups, one of which rubbed cedarwood oil mixed with lavender and rosemary into their scalps. After seven months, a significant portion of that group showed improvement in their condition.
Other essential oils to consider include lavender, lemongrass and peppermint. Try mixing a couple of drops of any, or all of these oils, with a couple of tablespoons of carrier oil. Jojoba or grapeseed are good choices. Apply to the scalp and leave for 10 minutes before washing once or twice per week.
The Ideal Hair Restoration Serum provides a combination of healthy oils in modest doses for your continuous use.
6. Yoga and Exercise
Hair loss caused by stress may respond well to yoga and exercise. One can try these stress-relieving yoga poses to prevent and slow hair loss: Downward Facing Dog, Forward Bend, Camel Pose, Shoulder Stand, Fish Pose or Kneeling Pose.
7. Stop Smoking
Cigarette smoking can damage your immune system, which can lead to diseases or illnesses that cause hair loss. A poor immune system may also increase your chances of a bacterial or fungal infection on the scalp, both of which can prevent your follicles from producing healthy hair. The smoke itself caused by cigarettes can also be harmful for your scalp.
To continuously maintain a healthy scalp and IdealofMeD. has developed the IDEAL HAIR MAINTENANCE BOX. The box contains items needed for long term hair maintenance and support. For details of use, it is recommended that you book an online hair restoration consultation with an IdealofMeD. Specialist.
Contains the following items:
Two bottles for continued use for all hair types that can be used daily. It has approximately 50 active ingredients such as Saw Palmetto, Zinc, Propocil, Aloe Vera and Panthenol which all work in tandem to stabilize and nurture your scalp and hair. The formula is developed in the IdealofMeD. laboratories and is in particular suitable for patients who suffer hair loss or have weak hair growth.
Following the use of the IDEAL HAIR RESTORING SHAMPOO, it is recommended to apply the IDEAL HAIR RESTORING CONDITIONER.
The conditioner will feed weak hair with layers of nourishment. Its rich protein substances relieve scalp tightness and increase hair quality, and its rich keratin and collagen formula adds moisture to your hair.
Among other substances, it includes Keratin, Cetyl Cetearyl Alcohol, Collagen, Cyclopentasiloxane, Soy Protein, Citric Acid, Wheat Protein, Phenoxyethanol Ethylhexyl, Glycerin, Fragrance.
Two bottles of vitamins, minerals and nutrients to assist you in restoring a healthy hair promoting environment are included in the box. Among other substances, the product includes Biotin, Ginseng, Vitamin C, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Horsetail extract, Zinc and Iodine. The products should be taken twice a day for optimal results.
The Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) blocking Ideal Collagenic Scalp Serum, contains active ingredients such as Saw Palmetto, Apigenin, Collagen and Hyaluronic acid. The serum will provide intensive care to support a healthy scalp, whilst reducing hair loss by repairing the Keratin structure of your hair.
The serum should be applied twice a week, before bed, following your DermaRoller session. It should be gently applied to the scalp using fingertips and the serum can stay overnight and be rinsed away in the morning if otherwise has not been suggested by your IdealofMeD. Specialist.
Turkey Hair Transplant Cost After The Lira Crisis in 2021/2022
Turkey has recently experienced a significant crisis in regard to its currency, the Turkish Lira. The Lira has dropped an astonishing 400 basis points, making it one of the weakest currencies in Europe and most parts of the world.
However, what this means for foreign currencies is that they have dramatically grown in value compared to the Turkish Lira. Therefore, if you were looking for the best Turkey hair transplant costs, now is a great time to get your hair transplant in Turkey.
What Happened to the Turkish Lira?
In 2021, the Turkish Lira experienced an unprecedented crash. Although currencies vary in their value on a daily basis, huge crashes such as this one are rare and have an enormous impact on the economy.
In particular, the Turkish Lira is crashing against the U.S. Dollar and the Euro, meaning that its value compared to these two currencies is extremely low.
Everything started a few months ago when President Erdogan established a new plan in an effort to cut interest rates (the amount that a lender charges a borrower). For example, if you take out a loan to purchase a house from the bank, you will receive the money you need for the house, but you will have to pay back the money to the bank on a monthly basis. However, you will not pay back the exact amount of money that you borrowed – you will pay more because that’s how banks make money. The extra money that you are paying back is the “interest rate”.
The problem?
The demand for goods in Turkey is increasing leading to a huge surge in prices. The result is inflation, where families are struggling to pay for food, not to mention thinking about going on a holiday or renovating their homes.
As of now, the Turkish Lira has dropped in value by 40%.
Another problem with this is that foreign investors are pulling out of their investments in order to save their own money before it becomes worthless. However, for foreigners with U.S. Dollar and Euro currencies, this is a good situation.
It means that travelling to Turkey, renting accommodation, and even performing medical procedures are now more affordable than ever!
We believe that you have already taken the most important step toward restoring your hair as you are reading this very ebook. The above suggestions are methods to keep your existing hair and decrease the rate of hair loss. The methods can also slightly improve your hair quality and density.
For a proper hair loss assessment, we would recommend contacting IdealofMeD. for a free of charge online hair consultation at
We look forward to assisting you in restoring your hair.