Hair Transplant Results

Alona Arel, beauty & longevity specialist
Last edited, 8 April 2024

Hair transplantation is a permanent solution for both women and men looking to increase their hair density and elevate their aesthetics. Although you will not see the full results straight after your procedure, I’m confident to say that your final hair transplant results will be worth the wait!

Below, we will break down exactly what you can expect during the hair transplant recovery process and when you will reap the rewards of your hairline transformation procedure. 

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What To Expect From A Hair Transplant

Whether you’re considering a hair transplant procedure, have recently undergone one, or simply want to learn more about the remarkable transformations that can be achieved, you’re in the right place. We’ll explore the various aspects of hair transplant results, including expectations, factors influencing success, and before-and-after comparisons.

By the end of your journey through this page, you’ll better understand what to anticipate from a hair transplant and the exciting possibilities it offers for regaining your confidence and a fuller head of hair. Let’s dive in!

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Table of Contents

When will your final hair transplant results be observed​

Hair transplant results vary from person to person, and the timeline for noticeable improvements can differ as well. It’s essential to understand that hair transplant outcomes typically follow a gradual process, and patience is key.

Below is a general timeline for when you can expect to see results:

Keep in mind that individual experiences may vary due to factors such as the type of procedure (FUE or FUT), the quality of the donor hair, the skill of the surgeon, and the patient’s overall health. It’s crucial to maintain patience and adhere to post-surgery care instructions during the recovery period to optimize your results.

Factors Influencing Your Hair Transplant Results

When it comes to hair transplant results, achieving a natural-looking hairline is of utmost importance. A well-designed hairline not only enhances the overall aesthetic appeal but also plays a crucial role in ensuring satisfactory outcomes for patients. A hairline that appears too artificial or unnatural can be a telltale sign of a hair transplant, leading to feelings of self-consciousness and dissatisfaction.

To create a natural-looking hairline, several factors need to be considered, including facial structure, age, gender, and personal preferences. Each individual has a unique facial structure, and the hairline design should complement these features to ensure a harmonious and balanced appearance. Additionally, the patient’s age and gender play a role in determining the appropriate hairline design, as these factors influence the natural pattern and density of hair growth.

Hairline Design

Hairline design is a meticulous process that requires the expertise of a skilled hair transplant surgeon. Several factors influence the design of a hairline, ensuring it suits the patient’s facial structure and personal preferences.

Facial structure: The shape of an individual’s face, including the forehead, temples, and jawline, greatly influences the ideal placement and shape of the hairline. For example, individuals with a high forehead may require a lower hairline to achieve a balanced appearance, while those with a receding hairline may benefit from a more conservative approach.

Personal preferences: Understanding the patient’s desires and expectations is crucial in determining the hairline design. Some individuals may prefer a more defined and angular hairline, while others may opt for a softer, more rounded appearance. By considering personal preferences, the surgeon can ensure that the patient is satisfied with the final outcome.

Graft Survival and Growth

The success of a hair transplant procedure heavily relies on the survival rate of transplanted grafts. Several factors can influence the survival rate, and understanding these factors is essential for achieving optimal results.

Blood supply: Adequate blood supply is crucial for graft survival. The surgeon must carefully implant the grafts to ensure they receive sufficient blood flow for nourishment and growth. Factors such as the size of the recipient sites and the meticulous handling of grafts during transplantation play a significant role in maintaining an adequate blood supply.

Graft quality: The quality of the grafts used in the transplant procedure can impact their survival rate. Grafts that are carefully harvested, handled, and stored have a higher chance of survival. Advanced techniques, such as follicular unit extraction (FUE), allow for the extraction of individual hair follicles, minimizing trauma and maximizing graft survival.

Proper graft handling: Careful graft handling during extraction, storage, and transplantation is crucial for graft survival. Experienced surgeons employ meticulous techniques to minimize trauma to the grafts, ensuring their viability and promoting successful transplantation.

Post-operative care: Proper post-operative care is vital for graft survival. Patients must follow the surgeon’s instructions regarding medication, avoiding strenuous activities, and protecting the transplanted area from trauma. By adhering to these guidelines, patients can enhance graft survival and promote healthy hair growth.

Hi! I’m Alona, your expert in achieving the best results from hair transplant procedures and maintaining long-lasting vitality in your hair.

Feel free to connect with one of IdealofMeD’s specialists today! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need guidance regarding hair transplant results. We’re here to support you on your journey to achieving the best possible outcomes for your hair transplant and maintaining its vibrancy!

The Natural Hair Growth Cycle

The hair growth cycle consists of 3 phases and this is consistent with both natural and transplanted hair. These phases are known as the telogen, anagen, and catagen phases. Let’s look at what happens during each phase and roughly when you can expect to start seeing progress in your hair transplant results after your procedure.

  • Telogen Phase

Your newly transplanted hair will automatically The telogen phase is the resting phase in which the hair does not grow but remains affixed to the hair follicle. Once the telogen phase comes to an end, the hair follicle enters the anagen phase and new hairs begin to develop. The telogen phase is widely considered the shedding phase and typically lasts for about 3 months before the hair enters the anagen phase.

  • Anagen Phase

The anagen phase is considered the growing phase. Melanin is produced within the hair bulb, defined as the base of the hair follicle in which living cells split rapidly and force the dormant hairs, called club hairs due to the shape of their roots, out of the follicle which is a tunnel-shaped pouch in the epidermis from which hair grows. This results in visible hair growth and increased hair density. The melanin produced in the hair follicle during this phase is made up of concentrated pigment cells known as melanocytes and these cells position themselves around the follicles, determining the colour of the new hairs. The anagen phase will last roughly 5 years before the catagen phase kicks in.

  • Catagen Phase

The catagen phase is the transition phase in which the hair stops growing and detaches from the base of the follicle, known as the hair bulb. The hair bulb begins to strip down which results in a shorter hair follicle. The catagen phase begins once the anagen phase concludes and tends to last about 10 to 14 days. Throughout this period, the hair follicles shrink, the rate at which hair grows begins to slow and the hair detaches from the bottom of the bulb but stays in place during its final days of growth.

Additional treatments designed to boost hair growth and wound recovery

Following your operation, our IdealofMeD. team and Senior Patient Coordinator will take the time to evaluate each step of the process with you, advise you on the steps you should take going forward to ensure the recovery process is as smooth as possible and provide you with your Ideal Aftercare Box. Some post hair transplant treatments offered by IdealofMeD. for accelerated recovery include:

  • Mesotherapy 

Mesotherapy is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment method utilised in aid of hair loss treatment and can be observed in the form of an injection delivering vitamins and minerals to the scalp. In addition, many have observed the powerful effect this form of therapy has on controlling hormonal imbalances affecting hair follicles and the surrounding regions of the recipient zone by delivering high dosages of hair growth stimulating vitamins and nutrients which in turn, improve blood circulation and assist in hair growth.

  • Platelet-rich Plasma Treatment

IdealofMeD. patients have the option to undergo additional treatment, a Platelet-rich Plasma injection (PRP). This treatment involves autologous PRP being retrieved from your blood and spun in a device known as a centrifuge, defined as a device that uses centrifugal force which is a spinning force that results in a movement away from the centre of the device to separate components of the blood.

The use of the centrifuge results in a plasma containing a higher concentration of platelets which will, in turn, release key growth factors that set off a succession of chemical reactions, otherwise known as signalling cascades or biochemical cascades which ultimately maximise tissue repair, speeding up recovery time so that patients can observe their hair transplant results sooner rather than later.

  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

For those who have opted for our premium package (our most popular package) or our executive package, hyperbaric oxygen chamber therapy (HBOT) will be included. HBOT provides patients with both accelerated wound healing and anti-ageing benefits. The HBOT process involves breathing pure oxygen (100% oxygen in comparison to 21% breathed in under normal circumstances) in a pressurized chamber.

Under these circumstances, your lungs are introduced to a significantly greater volume of oxygen which will, in turn, assist your body in key functions such as wound healing. Wounds damage the blood vessels which results in fluid dispersion in the tissues which can be observed in the body’s natural swelling reaction to wounds inflicted.

In this case, we mentioned above that some hair transplant patients experience swelling around the eyes as a result of micro-wounds to the scalp, so following the procedure up with HBOT will reduce post-operational side effects such as swelling and speed up the wound recovery time by encouraging the formation of new blood vessels and delivering higher levels of oxygen to the wounded zone.

HBOT anti-ageing benefits are experienced as a result of the higher levels of oxygen leading to increased development of collagen, defined as the primary fundamental protein observed in the skin and other connective tissues, and new skin cells. The increased oxygen in the body stimulates the production of substances in the cells such as vascular endothelial growth factor which stimulates the formation of endothelial cells leading to the accelerated formation of new blood vessels and enhanced hair transplant results.

Hair Transplant Results: Before and After Photos

Visual evidence is crucial when showcasing the effectiveness of hair transplant procedures. We have carefully curated a collection of before and after photos that highlight the remarkable transformations achieved through hair transplantation with IdealofMeD.

Side Effects of Hair Transplantation

The first 12-16 weeks of hair transplantation recovery play a significant role in the outcome of your hair restoration procedure, with postoperative care playing a key role in the healing of the recipient region. During this period, you may experience:

Consistent aftercare for the best hair transplant results

Our aftercare products are made up of hair growth stimulating, cleansing and rehydrating products designed to decrease the risk of infection and possible side effects of hair transplantation and help you achieve your desired hair transplant results faster.

Our kits contain products that are specially designed to be used post hair restoration treatment and for ongoing maintenance. We are very proud of the significant amount of research that our experts have done to provide you with incredible post-operative care products containing natural ingredients that not only gently cleanse and nourish the scalp but also stimulate growth in problematic areas of the scalp, all leading to better hair transplant results month to month.

Aftercare is Crucial to Achieving the Best Hair Transplant Results

Achieving the best hair transplant results requires not only a successful surgical procedure but also meticulous aftercare. Proper post-transplant care is essential to ensure that the newly transplanted hair follicles thrive and provide you with the best possible outcome. Here’s a guide to aftercare to help you maximize your hair transplant results:

  1. Follow Your Surgeon’s Instructions: Your surgeon will provide you with specific post-operative instructions. It’s crucial to follow these guidelines meticulously. They will include information on cleaning, medications, and activities to avoid during the initial recovery period.

  2. Gentle Cleaning: Keeping the transplant area clean is vital for preventing infection and promoting healing. Your surgeon will advise you on how to clean the area gently. Typically, this involves using a mild shampoo or special cleansing solution and avoiding vigorous scrubbing.

  3. Avoid Sun Exposure: Protect the transplant area from direct sunlight, especially during the first few months after the procedure. Sunburn or excessive sun exposure can damage the newly transplanted follicles. If you must be in the sun, wear a hat or use sunscreen.

  4. Limit Physical Activity: Strenuous physical activities that cause excessive sweating should be avoided during the initial recovery period, typically for a few weeks. Heavy exercise can increase blood flow to the scalp, potentially dislodging grafts.

  5. Medications: Your surgeon may prescribe medications to promote healing and prevent infection. Follow the prescribed medication regimen carefully and attend any follow-up appointments as scheduled.

  6. Avoid Smoking and Alcohol: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can impede the healing process and affect blood circulation to the scalp. It’s advisable to avoid these habits during your recovery.

  7. Nutrition: A well-balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein can support hair growth and overall healing. Consider incorporating foods that promote hair health into your diet.

  8. Avoid Harsh Hair Products: It’s recommended to avoid using hair products like gels, styling sprays, or dyes on the transplant area during the initial healing phase. These products may contain chemicals that could irritate the scalp.

  9. Protective Clothing: If you’re exposed to dust or other contaminants, consider wearing a loose-fitting hat or cap to protect the transplant area during the early recovery phase.

  10. Patience: It’s important to understand that hair transplant results take time. Be patient and realistic in your expectations. New hair growth can start as early as a few months after the procedure, but it may take up to a year or more to see the full results.

Hair Transplant Results Immediately After the Procedure

You may be wondering what to expect immediately after your hair transplant and how long you will need to recover before returning to your regular day to day routine. For example, how long it will be until you can get back to work or the gym. In the name of getting straight to the point, you can resume your regular activities one day following your procedure with a few exceptions and here is why.

IdealofMeD. uses advanced hair transplantation techniques, Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Direct hair Implantation (DHI), which when combined with adequate aftercare, such as our Ideal Hair Restoration Box and Ideal Hair Vitalisation Box as well as additional treatments included in our premium and executive packages, will result in limited after-effects following your procedure and enhanced hair transplant results.

You can expect mild postoperative side effects such as redness and inflammation in the recipient region of the scalp (the area in which grafts were implanted) which will diminish over the next few days as the micro-wounds begin to heal.

Final Thoughts: Hair Transplant Results

In conclusion, the journey to hair transplant results is a remarkable transformation that can restore not only your hair but also your confidence and self-esteem. While the process requires patience, the end result is often life-changing. Watching your hair gradually grow thicker and more natural can be incredibly rewarding.

If you’re considering a hair transplant or have questions about the procedure, we invite you to take the next step towards a fuller head of hair and renewed confidence. Our team at IdealofMeD specializes in state-of-the-art hair transplant techniques and is dedicated to helping you achieve your desired results.

Don’t wait any longer to start your hair restoration journey. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our experienced professionals. Let’s work together to help you achieve the hair transplant results you’ve been dreaming of. Your path to confidence and a more vibrant you begins here.

More Hair Transplant Results Timeline

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s normal that you have questions before committing to a cosmetic procedure such as hair transplantation, in fact, it’s encouraged. If you have any questions, our team of hair transplant experts are happy to assist you at your convenience. You can choose to book a free consultation or receive a call in 55 seconds by simply entering your email address and contact number.

Although the exact time period may vary, you will likely see your full transplant results 1 year after your hair transplant procedure. Our Ideal Hair Restoring products used during recovery contain hair strengthening and growth boosting ingredients to ensure you achieve your desired hair transplant results as quickly and smoothly as possible. 

Hair growth following your hair transplant is permanent. Once you have healed fully and the hair enters the anagen phase, your hair will continue to grow at the same rate as the rest of your hair. Book your free consultation to get your permanent beard transplant results now!

Everyone’s hair growth rate is different, but most begin to observe visible hair growth just 3 or 4 months following their hair restoration surgery.

To ensure you get the most out of your hair transplant, it is recommended that you massage your recipient area as advised by your surgeon to encourage circulation, commit to healthier eating and lifestyle habits such as avoiding alcohol and nicotine. 

Lastly, committing to a consistent and suitable hair transplant aftercare regime consisting of hair-transplant friendly products designed to boost hair growth. Get your hands on our IdealofMeD. hair restoration products to ensure you benefit from maximised hair growth following your hair transplant procedure.

Yes, it is very likely that you will experience hair loss, known as shedding, after your hair transplant. This ‘shock hair loss’ is temporary and occurs as a result of trauma to the follicles during the procedure itself. Check out our page dedicated to hair transplant results after 3 months to find out more about hair shedding after a hair transplant.

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We have used the following sources to compile this page:

Information checked by an expert

Alona Arel
The information on this page is checked by Alona Arel. She’s an expert on beauty and longevity and often asked to share her knowledge. For example for Healthline and Lifehacker

The information on this page was last updated on April 8, 2024

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IdealofMeD Hair Transplant

We’re you’re number 1 destination for a hair transplant in Turkey. Don’t forget to check out our other pages about hair transplant results, or read up on our exclusive DHI & FUE Combination Surgery